Dimensions Consciousness and Self Ascension Activation

Dimensions Consciousness and Self Ascension Activation


We have heard that 4D is a transition dimension but it’s much more than that it is Dimensions, Consciousness and Self Ascension Activation. Let us discuss more about what 4D Dimensions, Consciousness and Self Ascension Activation is and what a 4D society looks like??

Awareness of 4th Dimensions

We actually first became aware of 4D as a child; we just didn’t know to call it that. When someone told you the time flies when you’re having fun and then you witness that experience that when you are doing something that you’re passionate about or that you’re really enjoying, the time seems to speed up.

Also, when you’re doing something that’s really boring or you’re waiting for something to happen that you’re excited about, then time seems to slow down. In the 3D perspective, time is actually constant but the 4th Dimensions, Consciousness and Self Ascension Activation now brings into play your perspective of the situation. It’s that realization that truly defines our 4th Dimensions, Consciousness and Self Ascension Activation experience as being a step into the quantum existence where the observer is just as important as the experience itself.

Relevancy of Dimensions, Consciousness and Self Ascension Activation

Because time does not even exist in the higher dimensions, the fourth dimension is the first introduction to the concept that time is relative and Dimensions, Consciousness and Self Ascension Activation. Meanwhile in the fifth dimension, time is practically non-existent. You have the ability to detect time, still, in the fifth dimension, but generally you spend all of your time in the now moment. And in dimensions higher than the fifth, time doesn’t exist at all.

It is all one hundred percent in the now moment. And actually time is difficult to access from those higher dimensions. Reliance on external solutions to our problems is extreme in the third dimension. We derive pleasure from materialism. We go to doctors to be healed. And we require external situations to go “just so” so that we can enjoy life.

We often say to ourselves in the third dimension, “once this happens, then i’ll finally be happy.” In the fourth dimension we discover something really important Dimensions, Consciousness and Self Ascension Activation. That self-reliance is the key to all happiness. We discover that through gratitude practices and meditation, we can find that happiness. We learn how to heal ourselves and we also realize that the world around us can be any which way, but we can be centered and at peace instead.

Up-gradation to Higher Dimensions, Consciousness and Self Ascension Activation

In the Fourth Dimension, solutions really aren’t necessary because problems don’t actually exist. You’re so powerful, when you reach the fifth dimension that you can conjure up or create anything that you need in order to experience whatever it is that you desire to experience in Dimensions, Consciousness and Self Ascension Activation.

Along those same lines, the concept of God or source differs greatly in each of the dimensions. In the third dimension, God is a separate being. The religions of the world saw God as something greater than them. And along those lines they required that you went to any religious place (which is of course another external concept) to receive the messages of God from someone else who was better at it than you.

In the Fourth Dimensions, Consciousness and Self Ascension Activation you realize that you are source and instead of going to religious place worshipping to receive those messages, they are available from within. In the Fifth Dimensions, you and the collective that you’re a part of are source, and so is all of existence.

Contours of Our 4th Dimensional Reliant Society

A 4th Dimensions, Consciousness and Self Ascension Activation society is one that’s reliant on one self and peers rather than rulers or governance. Our current society is obviously becoming a 4th Dimensions one. Cryptocurrencies, Uber and Airbnb are perfect examples. Rather than relying on government treasuries to be in charge of your money, a new decentralized currency system is gaining widespread adoption and mainstream clout.

Instead of staying in large corporate hotels, more people are renting out their own rooms and properties for vacationers instead of using a taxi company’s cars. You can now use your own car to drive people around as we move away from hierarchy and towards self-reliance, more and more services like this will become the mainstream.

Perception is different in these three dimensions as well. In the third, we rely a hundred percent on our five senses in order to navigate this treacherous world and to survive it. And I find it fascinating that we actually have more than just the five senses at a physical level.

Self-Reliance in 4th Dimension

Think about a sixth sense being the balance sense. We have liquid in our ears that helps us determine whether or not we’re even with the horizon or we’re looking up or we’re looking down. This is clearly another sense that’s ignored in the common knowledge of our senses. That this ties in extremely well with our third dimensional understanding as well.

We tamp down the importance of our senses — of our ability to perceive — in an effort to claim that we need help from external sources. That we need that external government to help us, we need the religious or political leaders to tell us where it’s at. So instead of being able to rely on our own senses, we diminish them as much as possible. In the fourth dimension, you become aware of your other senses.

In next Dimensions, Consciousness and Self Ascension Activation; one discover that he can see people’s auras and psychic abilities like clairaudience or clairvoyance. One start to recognize that synchronicities aren’t just coincidences. In the 5th dimension, your perception is expanded so much that you can see and hear and feel the thoughts and emotions of everyone. You are in a constant state of telepathy in the fifth dimension.

Self-Awareness in Dimensions, Consciousness and Self Ascension Activation

Another important category is self-awareness in the 3rd dimension. Your self-awareness barely moves beyond your basic motivations, which are your pursuit of pleasure and your avoidance of pain. That’s truly all our 3D bodies focus on because it’s the base processing and programming to survival.

We experience pleasure from good survival actions, and we experience pain or discomfort from poor survival choices. Like dogs, we are often trained by our response systems how to survive in this treacherous environment. In the 4th Dimensions, Consciousness and Self Ascension Activation, we tune into our third eye or our pineal gland. Through discernment we’re able to observe ourselves rather than just be ourselves.

Negative experiences aren’t as negative. Positive experiences can be more fully enjoyed. We become less of a slave to our desires and more in line with the greater good. Still there are many aspects of ourselves that remain elusive. In the fifth Dimensions, Consciousness and Self Ascension Activation, we truly see ourselves. We see ourselves as source and we truly see the self in all.

In the third, efforting equals survival. We do things that absolutely does not resonate with us because we believe we have to in order to survive. In the fourth Dimensions, Consciousness and Self Ascension Activation, we discover that we don’t have to effort so hard on things that don’t resonate with us. That instead, we can put all of our efforting energy into our passions. And we also discover that those passions will actually sustain us so we don’t have to do the things that we don’t want to do in order to survive.

Thinking Consciousness in Next Dimension

In the fifth dimension, we don’t have to effort at all. We can relax and create from nothing. Thinking and feeling changes as you expand through each dimension as well. You are highly brain-centered in the third dimension. So much so that we believe that our bodies are just biological brain-carrying robots and that our brains and nothing more.

In the fourth Dimensions, Consciousness and Self Ascension Activation we realize that we’re multi-dimensional beings and we begin to bring information in from those other dimensions that we exist in simultaneously. We also expand into our heart, and the results of that heart-centered thinking expands ourselves so that our unconditional love actually extends beyond just our close family members.

And we realize that all humans — all life and all existence — deserves our unconditional love. In the fifth Dimensions, Consciousness and Self Ascension Activation; we are almost completely done using our 3D brains. We now focus more on our multi-dimensional selves and our heart for all consciousness. Judgment is very different in the three dimensions as well.

Judgement in Dimensions, Consciousness and Self Ascension Activation

In the third dimension, we judge everyone and everything relentlessly — including ourselves. It’s critical for our survival. If we decide that this being is taking negative actions, that could cause our own death. Then we have to judge that action and try to correct it.

In the fourth dimension, we move into a state of acceptance where we have less judgment of others and less judgment of self. But in the Fifth Dimensions, Consciousness and Self Ascension Activation, we have a zero point existence, which is absolutely no judgment of anyone. A true unconditional love of all. A recognition that we are all one, and that we are all the source consciousness.

in Turkish mosque under the daylight from the window

4D Mystical and Spiritual Self Ascension Activation

For few mystics; there do exist a Fourth Dimensions, Consciousness and Self Ascension Activation. It’s simple; they usually close eyes and take a nice big deep breathe and feel relax. They feel the temperature of the atmosphere. Notice whatever sounds can hear then picture themselves riding on a cloud high above the earth, safe and comfortable.

Feeling the warm sun on their face. Acceptance for the unlimited energy of the universe coming to our star. They see all the trees and all the fields and the cities below. And from this high perspective, they can see all these trees, cities, and people and know that they are one and the same and that none of them are doing anything against the order of the universe.

All the conspiracy theories. All of the evil corporations, the selfish government officials, they are all doing everything because they are based in limited 3D existence. They are fulfilling their soul contracts to create this world. They feel what it might feel like to love this world and yourself exactly as no changes necessary. You don’t have to effort to make the world a better place. You don’t have to effort to create anything in the world at all.

You are at peace with it exactly as it is. From this perspective, high on the cloud where one can see the Earth below and the stars and all of the planets and nebula, and all the existence above you. Feel and know all the dimensions and all the different versions of earth and your multi-dimensional self, to put yourself in that place to be that incredible being and move from the third dimension fully into the Fourth Dimensions, Consciousness and Self Ascension Activation.

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