1 – The Story of Universe

While encompassing The Story of Universe; it is unimaginably vast with the scale really incredible. Right now we are living breathing sentience born out of a dead rock flying around a single star in a galaxy containing some 400 billion others.
Expense of Universe
400 billion stars each with their own planets and stories. The Milky Way is brimming with so many stars that we could never possibly explore every single one and yet The Milky Way is microscopic and indistinguishable when compared with the rest of the universe or even just our local region of the universe.
Why is the universe like this? Why the cosmic scale so large and incomprehensible and of course the biggest question of them all how large actually is it?
The observable universe is estimated to be around 93 billion light years in diameter contained within its expanse is thought to be as many as 2 Trillion Galaxies.
Assuming these galaxies are similar to the ones we observe around us today. There may be up to One Septillion stars in the known universe and yet they make up only a tiny percentage of the universe’s unprecedented scale which could be hundreds thousands or even millions of times more voluminous.
Defining Basics of Universe
This is our universe’s story. The first thing to consider is language what do we mean when we say the universe. The universe is defined as all of space and time. All points in space at all points in its life. Space is the volume within the universe the three-dimensional field which lies beyond earth’s atmosphere, acting as the vast backdrop to the universe’s matter.
Time is the constant flow of cause to effect within this space. The catalyst of life, death, creation and evolution. Space and time are fundamentally linked and they combine to form a system of nearly unknowable complexity known as space-time.
Albert Einstein Theories of Relativities
SpaceTime is often referred to as four-dimensional. In this model space constitutes three dimensions and time is the fourth dimension. Any 3D cube cross section along axis represents the universe at a certain point in its life. Our understanding of space-time and a great many other scientific ideas can be traced back to Albert Einstein. He understood space and time in a way that nobody had done prior.
He gave two fundamental frameworks with which we model our reality today. In 1905 Einstein presented his Theory of Special Relativity changing the way we view light mass and energy. Then in 1915 he presented his Theory of General Relativity; a comprehensive interpretation of gravity, space, time and their links.
These elegant theories have survived in science for more than a century and they underpin a lot of what we know about the universe today. According to Einstein mass is a form of condensed energy which has a warping effect on the flat plane of space and time that lines our universe. The resulting curvature on flat plane is felt as gravity.
Gravity Phenomenon
Gravity is the effect of objects of mass attracting one another by distorting space-time. it is the simplest yet most profound of the fundamental forces which govern our universe. We don’t need anything special like heat; all we need is mass. If you have mass, you have gravity and as such it dominates the behavior of the universe at all levels from the small particle level interactions to the large-scale behavior of galaxies.
The Expending Universe
Our understanding of galaxies owes to Edwin Hubble; an American Astronomer who is not afraid to take on the biggest questions making a number of groundbreaking discoveries. Before Hubble it was believed that the universe was static in that it was neither expanding nor contracting and was populated entirely by stars and nebulae in every direction.
In late 1924 Hubble found that one such so-called nebula was actually a separate collection of stars like the milky way but much further beyond than originally thought; leading to the revelation that The Milky Way Galaxy is in fact part of a larger universe of thousands or perhaps even millions of other galaxies. By the end of the decade in 1929 Hubble then followed this up with one of the greatest discoveries of all time that the universe itself is expanding and not static.
The Lambda Cold Dark Matter Model
New revelations along with Einstein’s theories and the work of some other great scientists have all fed into our current model of cosmology The Lambda Cold Dark Matter Modelor Lambda CDM. This is a well-established and documented model for cosmology admittedly not without its shortcomings and unanswered questions but it is still our best effort at comprehending the origins and nature of the universe.
The central to it all is The Big Bang Theory. The idea that the universe began as a point of extremely high density and pressure because we know that our universe is constantly expanding. if we trace this ongoing process back to the beginning of the universe we come to a point where the universe was microscopic and compressed before it suddenly began to expand.

Universe Creation Story
We’re not sure how or why but there is good evidence that at the very least the universe was much smaller and hotter around 13.8 billion years ago. The time proceeding crosses into the untestable realms of physics but we believe that in the earliest nanoseconds of the universe’s life something caused it to suddenly and radically expand in an event known as Cosmic Inflation bypassing the benchmarks of all known speeds and laws.
Changing the universe not in size but in scale the tiny universe as it was in that moment was enlarged scaled up by a factor of at least 10 to the power of 78 in volume. Every nanometer of space was stretched to over 10 light years and all of this happened in under a fraction of a second.
We’re not sure what the total expanse of the universe was after this inflationary epoch but what it meant was that the universe’s interior was suddenly spread apart much more sparsely giving its primordial energy a lot more room for things to happen after inflation as the temperature of the universe continued to fall.
The energy within condensed into a giant universal plasma and from there decayed into the first particles and then into subatomic particles like protons and neutrons fast forward almost 14 billion years and the universe is now huge and brimming with much larger and richer structures. Atoms have collected into clouds of gas and gas clouds have become stars and today most of those stars belong to enormous ancient galaxies.